6 Mart 2009 Cuma


This is the most impressive film among which I have watched.I have watched it twice.Taken from real life, it was directed by Steven Spielberg.I think he is the best director.It became oscar candidate in twelve branches and was rewarded in seven branches.It is among the best first ten films.It was released in 1993,but it was released in 1994,Turkey.It was watched with interest in Germany and Poland.Yet, it was banned in Arabian and Muslim countries.It was said that the film was released in order to provide with sympathy to Jews.But, I don't think so.Who underwent in that black period could have been us.It was black and white.But what drew attention to me was a little child with a red coat shown only coloured in film.That red colour symbolized the bloody face of war.I don't usually cry in films.But especially when I saw the corpse of the child with the coat,I started to cry.I was affected and thought.Did such a cruel situatian happen really and could a person be a cruel like Amon Goeth?Jews were beated,sweared,tortured.6 million Jews were killed off by Germans during The Second World War.And now, they are showing the brutal killing to Palestine.How quickly they forgot!They know most this sadness.The children from Palestine have seen the corpses of their families and the bloody faces of their friends.I think that it could be explosion of anger and revenge.Now,experts are afraid that a healthy generation won't come.And I suppose that these children won't show that cruelness to anyone.If it is needed to tell the content of the film ,Germans're collecting Jews to concentration camp,taking their possession.They' re changing Jews' identities.They don't give some Jews identities.The ones with identities are taken to concentration camp.The ones without them are killed.The schools are closed.The Jews are known everywhere by putting on Davut's stars.By seperating eachother women,men and even children, they're taking them different trains.When I heard the shouts of the of the mothers who were gotten their children I felt worse.When a person left his love and I saw the last look ,I asked myself what could I do if I were them?Possibly,I went mad.Indeed, what could that be said?Think now,they take a place in order to clean you,lock doors,turn off the lights,give gas instead of water.You understand to be near to death.And when the hope stopped at that point, to see water coming instead of gas from pipes was beautiful as much as finding gold.Amon Goeth, an officier, is so cruel that he kills every other person in order.When a person walks more slowly, he makes fewer hinges or he's a disabled,Goeth kills him.He kills everyone who not only harms but also pleases.Doesn't killing for pleaure make such a cruel man think?Indeed, such a cruel man isn't a human being. In that time,Oscar Schindler appears. That man doesn't have a piastre,but he become rich thanks to his talent.He is a nazi member ,womanizer,supporter of war,manufacturer of weapon,profiteer using the effort of slave.But when he sees Germans' cruelness, he 's not happy with that situation.Although he loses his all wealth , he saves 1100 Jews.According to schindler, power is not to kill having all reasons in order to kill.The most impressive speeches for me are here:If I had sold my car ,I could save more ten people.That brooch was one maybe two people.I could have obtained more money and I could have saved more people.'We all live in selfish world. We work for wealth, but we don't do anything for other people.This is much saddening.